About the artist

The arts have been an integral part of Greg’s life for a considerable period of time. He began his career as a commercial photographer and graphic artist in his teens, but eventually became restless and in need of change. He decided to satisfy a long held desire to study music. The result of this exploration was critical acclaim as a professional classical guitarist and teacher. Greg has always been fascinated with travelling and exploring new cultures. When he was invited by a friend to travel to India, he took the opportunity and found the travel an unforgettable experience. Greg has continued to travel extensively throughout Asia, particularly in China and India.

contemporary works…

The allure of these Asian cultures, which are so far removed from his own Western Culture, has given rise to his fantastic explorations into these places,and the lives of the people there, through his photography and art. Greg’s latest work the ‘Wall Art’ series, portrays vividly the transient creations in public places, by people who are unaware of their intriguing beauty. Viewing such a kaleidoscope of abstract images enlivens and enriches the lives of the viewers in unimaginable ways. The Chinese viewers, who normally perceive the images on their walls as those representing shame, start to see the subject in a new and enjoyable manner. Many eyes are opened to the fascinating scenes that exist within their everyday environment.

Greg’s visits to China have never been brief or superficial, as he has lived with the people and shared with them all that the country has to offer; both good and bad. The photographs that Greg has taken under the ‘Streetlife’ series are testament to a keen eye that can delve into the wonderful aspects of everyday life in exotic China; all captured for eternity. When viewing these images it becomes obvious that his camera has captured the personal experience he’s had with the lives and the existence of his subjects.

greg’s future engagements…

Greg is available for undertaking exploratory projects into the people and places of the world. Original photography and art displayed on this web site is available for exhibitions wherever it is sought. If you are interested in any of the above please contact us, through the ‘Contact Us’ section of the web site.